Well, Christmas was a bit of a washout, what with the flu and all. I learnt to always have lemsips and strepsils in the house - not nice to feel pants without them to aid vague gruntings of humanity.
Still, present giving is always fun enough to bring me round for a few hours. Gave my brother a Paul Smith man bag, my mother a Cath Kidston shopper (for Waitrose trips) and my impossible Dad running gear.
I did pretty well out of Christmas too, with a new computer. Yay! Too ill to do anything about that though. It's all to brain boggling.
Monday, 28 December 2009
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Tokyo - Food

Here are a few pics from Tokyo of just some of the yummy food we ate.
I'm not going to pretend that eating in Tokyo is easy - even with some Japanese getting a menu for Japanese food without a translation is a nightmare because a) there is so much kanji and b)there is so much about Japanese ingredients / cooking terms / dishes that I don't know. I'm familiar with sushi and sashimi and okonmiyaki - but when it comes to yakatori with chicken anus there isn't much I can do to read that. It's easier if the restaurant is a European one because I can translate the katakana, but then at times that slightly defeats the point of being in Japan.
So here is some yummy food.
Friday, 4 December 2009
Off to Tokyo
Well, I am off to Japan very soon.
Have spent the last two days very unwell and immobile due to back problems. It is yet to be seen how I cope on the plane, but I have medication to sink a ship, so cross fingers. Will try and post from Tokyo, but might not be able to transfer pics.
P.s. - *hi everyone* if you want a postcard I've lost my address book so just email my hotmail and you'll get one.
Have spent the last two days very unwell and immobile due to back problems. It is yet to be seen how I cope on the plane, but I have medication to sink a ship, so cross fingers. Will try and post from Tokyo, but might not be able to transfer pics.
P.s. - *hi everyone* if you want a postcard I've lost my address book so just email my hotmail and you'll get one.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Marni, Givenchy & Thakoon Boots

Regardless of your actual illness my Mum always suggests 'boiling your head'. I don't know why she is so obsessed with steaming, but I always ignore her anyway. I used to HATE it when I was young, especially when done with the addition of Vicks.
When feeling ill the best thing to do is look at pretty shoes and take pills. From top to bottom - Thakoon, Givenchy, Marni - all for sale on Net a Porter
It's only when I posted these that I realised they are all peep toe ankle boots. There, I feel an accidental theme which soothes me somewhat.
Cold Weather Dressing
Am feeling pretty ill, so all the planning that I should be doing for going to Japan is just not happening.
I need to start organising my capsule wardrobe, but all I want to do is curl up under the duvet (because my god it's cold, and the radiator in my bedroom doesn't work). Tokyo is such a style conscious city that I don't want to look like a complete tourist. I hate it in London when you see couples walking about it matching walking boots and waterproof jackets. What is their motivation for dressing like they're about to ascend Ben Nevis?
That said, I am so cold today I've gone for the full puffa jacket, uggs, thermal vest and gloves get up.
I need to start organising my capsule wardrobe, but all I want to do is curl up under the duvet (because my god it's cold, and the radiator in my bedroom doesn't work). Tokyo is such a style conscious city that I don't want to look like a complete tourist. I hate it in London when you see couples walking about it matching walking boots and waterproof jackets. What is their motivation for dressing like they're about to ascend Ben Nevis?
That said, I am so cold today I've gone for the full puffa jacket, uggs, thermal vest and gloves get up.
Monday, 30 November 2009
Topshop, Liberty & Fortnum and Mason
So, some SCP goodies, F&M beauties (I've never really ventured above the food hall, turns out I was stupid not to) and Play.com bargains. I can't write what the stocking fillers are in case family members read this, but I couldn't resist a cake tin in Fortnum that rocks. Will post a pic of the beautiful results later. It really is to die for.
On Saturday any thoughts of buying something for myself was pooh poohed by my Mother, who disliked EVERYTHING I took a shine to - from these shoes by Topshop to the Eames elephant in Liberty.
Oh well, I suppose Christmas is on the way! And I'm meant to be on this shoe diet.
Friday, 27 November 2009
Antipodium Boner Fide Volume Dress from ASOS

Saw this dress today on ASOS.com - I really like it. Totally impractical and would look shit on me, but it sings! Sings to be worn!
And it's also £219 which is a bit much for this time of year when I should be buying things for other people. Still, a girl has to keep an eye out for a great buy, non?
Old Lady Shoes & Broaches - An Outfit To Retire In

Shoes from a charity shop in Taunton, they cost £4.99. Aren't they lovely? I feel like a little old lady pottering along, apart from the skinny jeans. I like to pair them with the world's thickest socks - so a world travelling granny who has perhaps just stashed her tricycle with the courier basket around the corner whilst she pops into the corner shop to get her spam and crumpets.
And as I get all whimsical about my inner little old lady, I thought I'd post a pic of the neckline of my sweater. It's a just a plain grey sweater from Uniqlo, but I added a few choice broaches / brooches from my collection a few years ago and never really taken them off. I love wearing this top. I feel like it's the modern way to do old lady broach-chic, if that is even a term, which it probably isn't. Ho hum.
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Liberty - The Store That Makes Me Happy!
Last night I got round to opening a big mound of post. Bills, Boden catalogues (they send millions, why?) and a Liberty voucher!
Yes, I have £150 to spend in Liberty's. Admittedly I had to spend mind boggling amounts on sofas, wishbone chairs and lights to get it, but still, I have £150!
Already my little old brain is scanning the back-log of wants, greed and lust associated with Liberty's. What will I buy? Argh!
Current thinking - outrageous small luxury gifts blow out for family and friends (luxury candles, designer nik naks, beautiful notebooks), a designer piece like a Christopher Kane t-shirt that at £200 I normally JUST CAN'T JUSTIFY, but maybe for effectively £50 I could, the world's most indulgent set of Christmas decorations (to partner the ones I have already).
Yes, I have £150 to spend in Liberty's. Admittedly I had to spend mind boggling amounts on sofas, wishbone chairs and lights to get it, but still, I have £150!
Already my little old brain is scanning the back-log of wants, greed and lust associated with Liberty's. What will I buy? Argh!
Current thinking - outrageous small luxury gifts blow out for family and friends (luxury candles, designer nik naks, beautiful notebooks), a designer piece like a Christopher Kane t-shirt that at £200 I normally JUST CAN'T JUSTIFY, but maybe for effectively £50 I could, the world's most indulgent set of Christmas decorations (to partner the ones I have already).
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Alexander Wang - The Lust Continues

Being one of those people that is slightly too fat (it's sad but true that a British 12 with tits is considered 'fat' but that's fashion for you) for normal designer clothes, it's always been the accessories that have got me going.
Am loving the new offerings from Alexander Wang, particularly the American football as handbag. I wonder if they'll be in stock next time I go to Barneys? Coming to think of it, I wonder when I'll next go to Barneys?
Oh, and I forgot to say, the shoes ain't too shabby either! I love the little slither of perspex on the heel *faints*.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Who Shall I Be Today?
Tonight I’m going to see New Moon with my Mum. I’m already all decked out in black for the occasion. Black rats leggings, American Apparel t-shirt dress, Kate Moss for Topshop tassel jacket and Clarks jazz shoes (so comfortable).
I think that’s why I love clothes. I may not be the snazziest dresser, or the most out there but regardless, my clothes give me the opportunity to take on another character, channel an emotion or feel a part of a group. Some days I my outfits make me feel like a Santa Fe resident, a little Georgia O’Keefe mixed with pueblo arts and crafts, other days a leather jacket and ripped jeans give the slacker cool of a 1980’s East Village hipster, and a little Zara boucle jacket and American Apparel pencil skirt gets me all Left Bank, especially if I’m rocking a black and white colour scheme.
I think that’s why I love clothes. I may not be the snazziest dresser, or the most out there but regardless, my clothes give me the opportunity to take on another character, channel an emotion or feel a part of a group. Some days I my outfits make me feel like a Santa Fe resident, a little Georgia O’Keefe mixed with pueblo arts and crafts, other days a leather jacket and ripped jeans give the slacker cool of a 1980’s East Village hipster, and a little Zara boucle jacket and American Apparel pencil skirt gets me all Left Bank, especially if I’m rocking a black and white colour scheme.
American Apparel,
Playing Dress Up,
Sass and Bide,
Monday, 23 November 2009
Liberty's Christmas Shop - the only weakness of the weekend

I think I did well this weekend. Why? Because I did not buy a pair of shoes! Woo hoo. Go me. Punches air with fist!
In fact, the only things I bought were Christmas decorations from Liberty's (I was like a kid in there, it is just divine, actually not like a kid, because kids tend not to have enough money to buy 50 quids worth of decorations) and a heat tech thermal top from Uniqlo because people, it is getting cold out there.
I do quite like the Christmas period. I get a bit stressed about the pointless gift giving which feels like giving for givings sake and I know it will ALL go to Charity shops in the New Year(you know - uncles, aunts, cousins etc) but I love the decorative side of things. It's about the only time left when everyone seems to put a real effort into their home - Christmas trees, table centre pieces, table cloths. The whole shebang. And now I can start doing the same with my lovely Liberty decorations (and some random charity shops one I got for 99p).
p.s. Apologies for the crappy picture, I'll take some proper snaps with my camera tonight - especially the dog decoration. So cute! So not cheap!
Charity Shops,
Sunday, 22 November 2009
When the shoe addiction began...
Friday, 20 November 2009
Daul Kim & Christopher Kane for Topshop
It wasn't long ago, but when the Christopher Kane collection for Topshop was released I spent ages cutting out pics of Daul Kim for my inspiration scrapbook.
She died yesterday, aged 20. It's all very sad. I love this video of her, she looked totally fierce.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
The Shoe I Won't Buy
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Yves Saint Laurent Tribute Shoes - why booze and t'internet don't mix

Just drunkenly bought YSL classic black tribs. Arghhhhhh. Ebay, huh? You see something on for 9 days 20 hours and think! I got there first! Better grab a bargain! And now I am £100 poorer and 6 inches higher. Ha!
P.s. - I am now on a self imposed shoe diet. No more shoes for a while. Must not buy shoes. Repeat, must not buy shoes.
Edit - these arrived on Saturday morning. They are amazing. The height is pretty scary, and the heel rather unstable, but they do give the leg and ankle great shape. Will do an outfit post soon - they look killer with skinny jeans!
Shoes What I Want
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Ebay Black Hole

Just spent an hour on ebay. Terrible. Suddenly you want all these things. I end up trawling pages and pages on the off chance. There are a pair of the Vivienne Westwood platform heels I've wanted for an age, but they are a size 5 and £500! Gulp.
The one thing really tempting me are the Lady Dior bags. I've had my eye on the style for a while. A couple of years ago it would have felt horrendously dated, but now is the right time to be toting one, I just know it.
The Kooples - Coming to London in 2010!

In Paris this Summer I came across a brand called The Kooples - they have quite a few stores and concessions in department stores too (click on the title to see the French website).
I love the feel of the brand - and it's on the way here! Which means I have at least a couple of months to perfect my badass rock look.
UPDATE - LONDON STORES - information here
Monday, 16 November 2009
Things To Think About This Week

Am feeling a bit porky this week (need to start running again) and as a result just pulling on the same old comfy Topshop Jamie jeans and baggy tops. These are the pictures that I am hoping will make me drag my lazy ass out of bed at 6.30 am for a clearing run through Hyde Park. I know that once I'm out there I'll enjoy it - it's just a bit of a shock to the system and then in a couple of weeks time I'll be back to enjoying my clothes again.
Why I MUST Craft More

I hope Scott at The Sartorialist doesn't mind me posting this - I just love the collar on this guy's shirt. I bought studs to try punking up my jeans, but studs are pretty uncomfortable next to the skin, so maybe this is a way to use them?
After I've done my laundry, made a carrot soup and downloaded the pics I took this weekend, I may try some DIY outfitting this evening.
Edit - okay maybe not tonight. But I did get the carrot soup and laundry done.
Weekend Excitment
This weekend whilst staying in Somerset with my Mum we had a power cut. The awful storms took down the power line and the whole village was without electricity.
I haven't experienced a power cut in the countryside for such a long time, especially in the winter. What can you do in a pitch black house with a few candles? So we made a roaring fire, boiled water in a saucepan and got the red wine out. My Mum and I came up with perhaps not the best idea - a jigsaw. By candlelight.
Before the power outage we'd gone shopping in Taunton and raided the charity shops. Will post a run down of my finds later on (a hint: total granny chic).
I haven't experienced a power cut in the countryside for such a long time, especially in the winter. What can you do in a pitch black house with a few candles? So we made a roaring fire, boiled water in a saucepan and got the red wine out. My Mum and I came up with perhaps not the best idea - a jigsaw. By candlelight.
Before the power outage we'd gone shopping in Taunton and raided the charity shops. Will post a run down of my finds later on (a hint: total granny chic).
Friday, 13 November 2009
Crap Hair - Help!

After the shock of a dentist visit yesterday in which I was told I need more wisdom teeth out and a crown that will cost squillions I found myself somewhat numb.
It was only 9.30am and I'd been in the dentists chair for an hour, but at least Whistles was open in Blackheath.
So in I went and bought a dress in the sale (potentially good for my bro's wedding) and a lovely slub jersey t-shirt. I'm wearing the t-shirt today, wanting to be Kate Lanphear (again) and failing. How good does she look in a plain white slub tee? I think the main thing holding me back is my hair. Her hair is AMAZING, non? My self worth falls by about a million percent every time I see a picture of just how freaking awesome this woman is.
Am crap with hair. It's a long chin length and needs a cut but I can't decide on anything. Does anyone have any ideas? Comments welcome...
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Vivienne Westwood Melissa Ankle Boots - Greed and Wanting NEVER ENDS

Last night I was rushing home to in time to be fed when out of the corner of my eye I spied Miss LaLa's on Monmouth Street, and more specifically the Melissa for Vivienne Westwood ankle welly boots that I'm rather intrigued by.
I've never been in to Miss LaLa's because, I confess the girly twee name really puts me off. It just feels too cloying for me, but once inside the place seemed friendly and the Vivienne Westwoods are just as good in the flesh as they are in the tiny pictures I've seen in magazines. Then my phone rang and dinner was on the table so I had to dash.
You can buy these ones on ASOS.com for £75, but the ones I really want (that I can't even find a decent picture of online) are the black with gold button detail ones.
If I ever get a chance I'll be buying a pair, but with concerts, Japanese lessons and trips to Somerset I don't know when that will be. Shops should really think about opening until 10pm - what's the point in them being opening exactly during the same times that I'm cooped up in the office, huh?
Monday, 9 November 2009
Grace Coddington T-Shirt
Bocca Di Lupo
Whenever I've tried to eat at Bocca Di Lupo in the past I've phoned up and been offered a table at 11.00pm on a school night.
This is clearly not on, but, having eaten there finally this Saturday, it's something that I may well consider in future.
Because quite simply Bocca Di Lupo is the best place I've eaten at this year in London. To start with the company was good (hi ya S & B) and the night was one full of promise, so that's always a sign of good times. But it was more too. The dining room is well designed, buzzy without being loud or overbearing and the service was friendly and informative.
We were directed to a great red wine, the Ulysse Etna, the kind of wine that makes you realise the shit you put up with in crap pubs (or even nice pubs) and supermarket deals. I just had a peek at the wine list online to write this and noticed the cocktails, and already I'm planning on consuming a Cherry Pop and Gin Lemon on my next visit.
The menu itself was broad and inventive. You can order large or small dishes, mixing and matching to create the perfect meal. It's recommended you order 2 or 3 dishes each, but there are mains choices for those like all their dinner to come on one plate. We had the tortiglioni, one with with percorino, and one with pecorino and guanciale. Both were incredibly generous portions for £5 - £6 and just delicious. We decided as a group that the meat products of the humble pig are the best - like butter and salt there is not much that a liberal helping of smoked bacon / pork belly can't improve upon.
We also tried the fried mozzarella balls, the cuttlefish ink risotto, a white polenta and seafood dish and radicchio. The three of us ate very well and even struggled to finished the last morsels. As far as my rapidly expanding tummy was aware there were no bum notes in these dishes.
With a bill of £77 including service I personally thought the place was a bargain. The food was genuinely top notch, so £25 a head for me is a steal.
I will return, even it is past the witching hour...
This is clearly not on, but, having eaten there finally this Saturday, it's something that I may well consider in future.
Because quite simply Bocca Di Lupo is the best place I've eaten at this year in London. To start with the company was good (hi ya S & B) and the night was one full of promise, so that's always a sign of good times. But it was more too. The dining room is well designed, buzzy without being loud or overbearing and the service was friendly and informative.
We were directed to a great red wine, the Ulysse Etna, the kind of wine that makes you realise the shit you put up with in crap pubs (or even nice pubs) and supermarket deals. I just had a peek at the wine list online to write this and noticed the cocktails, and already I'm planning on consuming a Cherry Pop and Gin Lemon on my next visit.
The menu itself was broad and inventive. You can order large or small dishes, mixing and matching to create the perfect meal. It's recommended you order 2 or 3 dishes each, but there are mains choices for those like all their dinner to come on one plate. We had the tortiglioni, one with with percorino, and one with pecorino and guanciale. Both were incredibly generous portions for £5 - £6 and just delicious. We decided as a group that the meat products of the humble pig are the best - like butter and salt there is not much that a liberal helping of smoked bacon / pork belly can't improve upon.
We also tried the fried mozzarella balls, the cuttlefish ink risotto, a white polenta and seafood dish and radicchio. The three of us ate very well and even struggled to finished the last morsels. As far as my rapidly expanding tummy was aware there were no bum notes in these dishes.
With a bill of £77 including service I personally thought the place was a bargain. The food was genuinely top notch, so £25 a head for me is a steal.
I will return, even it is past the witching hour...
Extreme Greed,
Happy Happy Joy Joy,
Lovely Mates
The 4 F's

Saturday was a great day - friends, fireworks, food and foxtrots!
First off - discovered the magnificence that is food at Bocca di Lupo in Soho http://www.boccadilupo.com/ - will write a full review later.
Then - fireworks on Blackheath. Still the best in London. FACT.
And to round it all off - the Rivoli Ballroom in Crofton Park, Lewisham. It is amazing. A proper old fashioned 1950's ballroom, even the toilets are really 'powder rooms'. It was so beautiful in a garish, wonderful way. And it was nice to do something at night that wasn't so segregated by age - people were 70 years old doing the tango, or in their twenties hitting the sprung ballroom with a samba. It was great! The only embarrassment is that, despite growing up in Lewisham and living there until I was 22 I have never been. But I will be going again, but this time all dressed up and with some basic dance skills.
Friday, 6 November 2009
Bonfire Night Fireworks - What to wear?

Thursday was Bonfire night here in the UK, which for me can only mean one thing - fireworks on Blackheath! I can't remember the first time I went to see them there, it must have been when I was about 5 or 6, but I fell in love with them and for me they are the ultimate fireworks display. Ever. No other fireworks come close. 4th of July? The Beijing Olympics? NYE? Please...
The best thing about fireworks on Blackheath is they are reassuringly similar, with code of practice to follow for all time. You must eat warming foot before departure to the heath. You must wear a woolly had and gloves. Your Mum (and then later yourself, acting on behalf of you Mum) will put you in your warmest coat, sensible boots with two pairs of socks or maybe wellies if it's raining. And then walk to the heath with quite literally tens of thousands of other people and oooh and aahhh in unison.
Already I am thinking about what I will pull on to remain warm and snugly when I go to watch the fireworks with my friends on a cold November night. I will 100% be wearing Australian tube socks, my camo coat and probably Uggs (they are warm, people), but then I think I want this hat from Topshop for a tenner. Click on the title at the top to buy it...
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
HRH for Topshop - Top Fantasy Shopping Moments

Today I joked on Twitter than the Queen should design a range for Topshop a la Kate Moss.
Now I am thinking she totally should! My friends already know I have a bit of a thing for the Queen...not like that you dirty lot, I just think she holds herself rather well and seems pretty damn cool. Corgis, horses, highland dancing, breakfast cereal in Tupperware. Much like me. Okay, just the Tupperware.
Look at these pictures of her style. A Topshop moment would be amazing...admit it.
P.s. Pictures were on The Queen's website - I hope you don't mind official Queenie lot, I'm only being nice x
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
La Trouvaille: The Verdict

Last night was parental restaurant night - 3rd week running - this time with Mum AND Dad.
We were madly unlucky with our first two choices (a Monday, honestly) with Yalla Yalla fully booked and a 20 minute wait at Mildreds. So we ended up exploring a new option, and I am glad we did. The place is called La Trouvaille, it's on Newburgh St, running parallel to Carnaby Street, and it felt like a little corner of Paris that sneaked over on the Eurostar.
We sat at the wine bar downstairs, although there is also a restaurant upstairs Tuesday to Saturday. The place feels 'authentic' and sounded authentic too - at least half the patrons were French, and the staff were too. If you can't afford to cross the Channel to practise your French, I'd suggest you come here!
The three of us went for the meat and cheese sharing platter, meant for two, and wines by the glass (the wine list was great, and at £4 - £6.50 by the glass very reasonable too). Wines were also available by the bottle, or as our waiter said "by the bucket" too. See, the French can do non pretentious very well. Our wines were all excellent - much tastier than standard pub or restaurant fare which served to remind me of what rubbish booze I usually put up with.
I'll be back! Possibly writing my novel and pretending I'm on the Left Bank.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Ms Blow and the best pic ever
Televisual Delights: Spiral
Britain is well known for creating great telly. I think our formats count for something like 60% of those sold throughout the world, which for a small nation ain't that bad.
But every once in a while you are reminded how much TV we miss out on just because we are so successful at it - and consequently don't need to buy much in to fill air time.
BBC4 is great for capturing the gems that might otherwise go unnoticed. First there was Wallander - the amazing Swedish film length drama series that took over my life, and until last night there was Spiral II, or in it's original French 'Engrenages' - literally 'cogs'.
I watched the first series of Spiral a few years ago and loved it. The second series was just as good. It is an amazing piece of television - sexy, suspenseful and well acted.
I don't want to give the game away - just watch it!
But every once in a while you are reminded how much TV we miss out on just because we are so successful at it - and consequently don't need to buy much in to fill air time.
BBC4 is great for capturing the gems that might otherwise go unnoticed. First there was Wallander - the amazing Swedish film length drama series that took over my life, and until last night there was Spiral II, or in it's original French 'Engrenages' - literally 'cogs'.
I watched the first series of Spiral a few years ago and loved it. The second series was just as good. It is an amazing piece of television - sexy, suspenseful and well acted.
I don't want to give the game away - just watch it!
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Anthropologie, Regent Street: The Verdict

I took my first trip to Anthropologie yesterday. I must admit to having mixed feelings. I've always loved the New York store, and bought a few knits, dresses, pieces of jewellery etc. The torture was always the homewares section - how do you take the delicious china and tablewares home on a plane without damage or extreme packing skills?
So, the arrival of Anthropologie was greeted with some excitement. The shop itself looks great. It's stunning, with wide open spaces, the wall of living plants, the merchandise has been well displayed and the stock for the most part seems beautiful (I'm more of a plain clothes person, so many of the shabby chic items and patterned dresses don't do it for me).
But...and there is a but...the price! Oh my, it is expensive. Why would I spend £178 on a dress, when I could buy a Topshop one for £40 or a designer one from Liberty for £350? And even a plain jersey cardie with a bit of ruching on it was £88! You could buy something similar in M&S for £22. It really was gut wrenchingly pricey.
The gorgeous stuff for me was the homewares and nicknacks, but with jigsaws at £150+ and handmade Christmas decorations starting at £14, this little shopper will be sticking to her charity shops for her beautiful one off pieces that actually ARE vintage rather than aged at a cost.
Green Uglies (my Mum's term, not a technical one) - various charity shops & ebay
Doggy Jigsaw - Newcastle charity shop, £2.99 (beat THAT Anthropologie)
Freida Kahlo Bottle - random folk art fair in New Mexico thanks to Mum & Dad
Charity Shops,
Marks and Spencer,
Friday, 30 October 2009
The Weekend List
Things to do this weekend:
Visit the new Anthropologie on Regent Street.
Thin out my overflowing t-shirt / jersey top drawer (I can't see a thing).
Go to the Anish Kapoor exhibition at the RA (this may be a Daddy trip).
Learn my Japanese vocab.
Book a hotel in Japan.
Pick up my UPS package from Kenitsh Town - is it my boots? Or a Grace Coddington tribute tee? Want one?

Buy it here http://www.deerdana.com/2009/09/grace-coddington/ Picture thanks to Deer Dana.
Visit the new Anthropologie on Regent Street.
Thin out my overflowing t-shirt / jersey top drawer (I can't see a thing).
Go to the Anish Kapoor exhibition at the RA (this may be a Daddy trip).
Learn my Japanese vocab.
Book a hotel in Japan.
Pick up my UPS package from Kenitsh Town - is it my boots? Or a Grace Coddington tribute tee? Want one?

Buy it here http://www.deerdana.com/2009/09/grace-coddington/ Picture thanks to Deer Dana.
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Sock it to me

I hate winter for one reason - having to wear socks. I hate socks, but I hate having cold feet even more. And because I hate socks I always neglect buying them. The only ones I really put any thought into are sports socks, otherwise we're talking cheapo M&S and even cheaper Primark. But socks that are black and manky might mean they match when they come out of the machine, but they look rubbish with shoes.
So, on seeing Tabio on Neal Street was open last night I popped in a actually bought socks. Black with gold glitter and greenish with bronze glitter, I think they'll look spanking with brogues and jazz shoes and skinny jeans.
And as a present to myself I bought these tights too. Can't wait to wear them, all I need to do is shave my legs first - never let it be said my life isn't constant glamour.
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Oh, to dance like this!
This man is amazing. JaQuel Knight is only about 19 or 20, but he choreographed Beyonce's Single Ladies video. This is the man himself and Beyonce's tour dancer Dana having a little jig in the studio. Whenever I'm a bit tired or down this video always cheers me up.
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Great Katexpectations

Kate Lanphear.
I just love her look. Pared down and casual but with piles of accessories. She doesn't have her own tribute blog. I know!
I've never been one for too much in the clothes department. I go with American Apparel and Uniqlo, simple cheap basics and make the shoes, bags and other stuff do the talking. Simples. As one famous meerkat would say.
P.S. - can you tell I was watching the adverts when I posted this last night? Oh dear. Why does a meerkate in a jacuzzi fill me with glee?
Hix Soho - The Verdict
I went to Hix last night on Brewer Street with my Dad. In the past two weeks Monday has become a bit of a restaurant night for us, last week we went to Abeno Too where Dad grilled the poor girl about how to make okonomiyaki (he's been refining his home made version in the past few days).
So, anyway, Hix. Just opened, it's the Soho baby sister of Clerkenwell Hix Oyster & Chop House which I've always wanted to go to but never got around to, mostly because I am lazy and only eat within a 15 minute walking radius of my front door. The restaurant itself is very smart, with a big solid wood door, bistro style tables and chairs and a large bar in the New York style (where we sat). It being a Monday we demurred from eating our favourite food (oysters), with my Dad opting for the Cornish Crab Soup, whilst I went for the Beets with Blue Monday (Alex James' cheese, I think) and hazelnuts. The Dadster wasn't wild about the soup, but the beets were good, then again, how bad can you make beets and cheese?
For our main Dad did his very predictable thing of ordering Bubble and Squeak with black sausage and egg. He only does this because it is exactly the type of food my Mother would NEVER cook for him - far too unhealthy. He said it was very very tasty, and indeed the plate barely betrayed any past association with food at all after he'd finished with it. I had the pork chop with laverbread and cockles. I only decided on this because I wanted to eat laverbread after once making a film about it for the Japanese channel NHK (go figure). I set up filming the of laverbread harvesting and a cookery session with a chef, but never got to taste it. So how was it? Meh, it was alright, but let's just say I'm not that jealous of the Welsh if that's the dish of pride, I think I'd go for a leek anytime (he he). But the chop was meaty and the accompanying sprouting broccoli wonderfully salty and satisfyingly unhealthy. Vegetables taste so much better when they aren't all steamed and virtuous, it does seem the way of the world to pit taste against health.
So, all in all, a nice meal, but not one I was blown away by. Service was a little forced and I felt slightly uncomfortable that the staff were grinning manically to try and hide some great calamity, or maybe that's because it's so new? But the place is nicely decorated and it felt buzzy. Maybe I'll try it on a Thursday or Friday in couple of months. I think I would still choose Great Queen Street over Hix any day of the week for my fill of no nonsense British grub. I've never had a bad, okay or even decent meal at Great Queen Street, only fabulous ones.
We didn't go for dessert because we wanted to go home and watch the interview with Warren Buffett. Warren is amazing and a lesson to us all with our silly pretensions and ambitions. Legend.
So, anyway, Hix. Just opened, it's the Soho baby sister of Clerkenwell Hix Oyster & Chop House which I've always wanted to go to but never got around to, mostly because I am lazy and only eat within a 15 minute walking radius of my front door. The restaurant itself is very smart, with a big solid wood door, bistro style tables and chairs and a large bar in the New York style (where we sat). It being a Monday we demurred from eating our favourite food (oysters), with my Dad opting for the Cornish Crab Soup, whilst I went for the Beets with Blue Monday (Alex James' cheese, I think) and hazelnuts. The Dadster wasn't wild about the soup, but the beets were good, then again, how bad can you make beets and cheese?
For our main Dad did his very predictable thing of ordering Bubble and Squeak with black sausage and egg. He only does this because it is exactly the type of food my Mother would NEVER cook for him - far too unhealthy. He said it was very very tasty, and indeed the plate barely betrayed any past association with food at all after he'd finished with it. I had the pork chop with laverbread and cockles. I only decided on this because I wanted to eat laverbread after once making a film about it for the Japanese channel NHK (go figure). I set up filming the of laverbread harvesting and a cookery session with a chef, but never got to taste it. So how was it? Meh, it was alright, but let's just say I'm not that jealous of the Welsh if that's the dish of pride, I think I'd go for a leek anytime (he he). But the chop was meaty and the accompanying sprouting broccoli wonderfully salty and satisfyingly unhealthy. Vegetables taste so much better when they aren't all steamed and virtuous, it does seem the way of the world to pit taste against health.
So, all in all, a nice meal, but not one I was blown away by. Service was a little forced and I felt slightly uncomfortable that the staff were grinning manically to try and hide some great calamity, or maybe that's because it's so new? But the place is nicely decorated and it felt buzzy. Maybe I'll try it on a Thursday or Friday in couple of months. I think I would still choose Great Queen Street over Hix any day of the week for my fill of no nonsense British grub. I've never had a bad, okay or even decent meal at Great Queen Street, only fabulous ones.
We didn't go for dessert because we wanted to go home and watch the interview with Warren Buffett. Warren is amazing and a lesson to us all with our silly pretensions and ambitions. Legend.
Monday, 26 October 2009
Paul Smith - Hero
I love Paul Smith. Talented, funny and a collector of things...he has boxes of rabbits - toys, models, fatties (family term for cuddly toys) - for no other reason than he quite likes them. This is a man that would get me in a flash.
Thinking Thin
It's been a terribly sad start to the day. Doing some research for my job I happened across a few blogger sites written by pro ana girls. Their worries and issues depressed me no end and had me thankful that I grew up in a time, whilst only 15 - 20 years ago, that felt a world away from these worries and the social networks today that allow them to grow. These are girls who obsess over their diets, share their food avoidance strategies, beat themselves up if they eat a grape, ramble about how fat they are (they're 15 and gangly) and most disturbingly, post pictures of their self harming.
I know most of us have bad days when we feel we're ugly, fat or stupid, but it is heartbreaking to see girls who really believe that their bodies deserve punishment and pain because they don't look a certain way.
I know most of us have bad days when we feel we're ugly, fat or stupid, but it is heartbreaking to see girls who really believe that their bodies deserve punishment and pain because they don't look a certain way.
Saturday, 24 October 2009
A New Tokyo Trip

I've just booked my third trip to Japan (thank you airmiles), taking my Mum to Tokyo. She's never been and is a little scared, but I know she'll just love it once she gets over there. I can't wait to show her the shops that sell the beautiful sheets of handmade paper, the temples tucked away just feet from the heaving mass of 'salary men' and OL's (office ladies, what an amazing term!), the vending machines that sell everything under the sun, and just how clean and ordered the place is.
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