Tuesday 20 July 2010

Don't Know What You Want 'Til It's Gone

There are some things you see straight away and know you want. There are others that are slow burns. Things you tell yourself that you can do without, that are no good for you right now, but seep into that little place where the extreme want section of the brain is (it's quite a big section of my brain, unfortunately). Sadly, after all that time spent rationalising why you don't need it and realise you are nothing without it, it's often too late to get whatever it was. 

This could be said of friends, jobs, great loves, one of a kind experiences..or in my case, shoes. In particular, these Chanel silver boots from the S/S 2008 RTW show. 

Nice, eh? (picture from Style.com)

So, imagine how excited I was when I saw that New Look knock offs were going to be in store this Summer for £40. Better late than never. Every week like clockwork I trotted off to the flagship store, hiked up to level 3 and did my shoe hunter scan (it's true, I'm a hunter shopper, not a gatherer). Nothing. For the last 8 weeks. Nothing. Nor were they in Newcastle or Lewisham, my fallbacks for items that frequently sell out in London. I gave up. But yesterday there they were. IN THE SALE. IN MY SIZE. FOR £10. Never let it be said I am not an equal opportunities shoe obsessive. Primark or Prada, it makes no difference to me if I like 'em. 

T Shirt - Christopher Kane S/S 10 
Shorts - Acne 
Shoes - Chanel New Look

(I am having a major bad hair day today thanks to some new product I've just experimented with. Am sticking with it until I go to the gym this evening. Yes I am that lazy that I am willing to go through the day with hair that looks like a birds nest)

1 comment:

Tory said...

Yo. Just hit upon your blog via the New Look tweet - how could I not follow someone with such an awesome selection of slouchy t-shirts?!

Keep it up!



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